Thursday, December 31, 2009

Loving Madly

Love is a choice - it is an act of your will

Loving is and act of your will - it is a deliberate choice you make. This is radical or true love which transcends our emotions and operates on the principle of grace. You may not like the attitude or habits of a person but you choose to love the person.

Love is kindness - It involves forgiving

No one is perfect and as such, love will include some disappointments. While we see flaws in others, others see our flaws. The key is to forgive others, exercise kindness and help them overcome their weakness even as they help us overcome ours.

Love involves great effort - It is not for wimps

Be careful about the expectations you place on others to reciprocate your kindness. It is only when you don;t attach any conditions that you get the best results. Love is not for wimps. It's for courageous people to go beyond their feelings and do what is right!

Love is a process - It grows into maturity

Love like any seed planted takes careful nurturing to grow into a mature tree that bears good fruit. It has to be watered and nourished with lots of patience, huge doses of kindness and even scarifies. Simply put, love is not a short-term thing. Like fine wine, love matures over time and as you embark on your journey to Love, you'll taste of its sweetness! Remember that as you began loving others unconditionally, you'll be blessed even as you become a blessing!

True love is always unconditional

We've all heard of them of the term love, what exactly is love? Is it a tingling sensation that causes people to do strange and seemingly foolish things? Is it a natural feeling that occurs in human beings? Does it occur by random chance or is it a choice of the individual?

Love is described as any of number of emotions that influence a strong sense of affection and attachment to someone or something. In fact, there are almost as many definitions of love as there are ways to love. It is said that true love is unconditional - it goes beyond the fleeting emotional roller-coaster ride of feelings that we experience as we go through life. People who are led by their emotions often fall 'in and out' of love.

It is only when love is unconditional - when you choose to love someone irrespective of who they are or how they can benefit you, that you find it's true meaning. When you love with all your heart, it is more a choice you make than an emotion you feel.

Love has motivated human beings to such great heights of achievements as much as hatred has driven us to depths of depravity. To truly make a difference, we must love radically. Unconditional love will grow stronger and mature over a lifetime nurturing lasting relationships and true friendships!

Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly and Leave the Rest to God!

December 31st 2009 =,=

Today is the last day of 2009, i missed this year of fun and joyful, with my new colleagues in airasia memories... very thanksful for all of ya being such kind and friendly and helpful to me as in a team! even tho im no longer working there anymore... but my strenght and support always be there! cheers guys! i love u all!


The lies...

Today, the saddest day ever in year 2009, finally the day of expected happened, me and her had a worst argument, is sad tho but i felt released... released from a cage that caught me for a year... finally i knew her real personality.

As the previous posted i hate liars, and she is and proven... i will never say sorry on that, many friends and peoples asked me, if i do say so, did i lied to anyone before? i make myself clear... yes! i lied to somebody before as well as everyone does on this world, but the case in lying is, depends on the lies is in a correct way or not, lies... can be make to help peoples, can be a topic to jokes on, can be cheering up a person, in worst can be hurting peoples, even worst can be killing peoples.

The stages on lying it might cannot be judge by anyone, it may consider good for person A, or i could be hurting person B.

But for the point of view of me, i myself i don't lies to friends especially close friends, i swear to god sake, my lies created to maybe friends that not close, or strangers to protecting myself.

Towards "her", i have no comment on her anymore... i can't believe that she could lie to me as a close friend. Or maybe she did not treated me as a good friend as well, who knows... only she knows... But honest speaking, if i tell her i treated her as buddy nor close friends... i am lying as well, other than that non of it i'm lying to her, the only lies i created is to hurt myself by saying she just my normal friends...

I like her, love her, but the result of return... it sting me badly... i'm hurt, but sooner will recovered, i felt released yet self depressed, ohh god... get rid of me from this please..

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I got cheated again...

All the while i've been cheated, by a person who wearing a fake mask. Why people being such idiot towards friend? not to say i'm not open minded, but when comes to cheating relationship nor fake relationship issue, is a very sensitive to everybody, i strongly believe everyone do.

When you really wanted to treat a friend nicely, giving such cares and worries towards her, at the end you find out everything is fake, a faker fakes you in every effort you put on, your feeling will be like me.

I had no longer giving such effort anymore, to a person who fake is wasting your farking time, you care for her, she give a damn but in a fake way and after that forgot everything. A faker is hard to catch up, when a faker shows up, how you judge her/he is by their attitude, faker will never let you know their everything, even tho she/he pretend until as your close friend or buddy, this is not true friend, they had set their limitation to not let you know them so well if theres a chance for them, they will betray you easily.

Fakers are dangerous, they hurt you with no mercy, never hope even a single chance giving out from them.

My situation is like this, yes i admited this faker i talking about was my ex, we broke up about a year ago becoz of some issues, have been a year we did not contact each other, after a year from the net we contact back with just chatting online, never thought that we can be close 1 day, she tells me some of her stuffz such as working, social life style at 1st, slowly she goes into how she can actually buys my heart, by telling me her bad situation. And because of she was my ex before, and of cause i will still care for her, not because that i still love her or something, is because a resposibility that i've set for her. And so i helped her, helped her on wat i'm not writing thru here due to privacy issue. She successfully buys my heart, and she treated me like a close friend of her, and i'm happy because we was a couple, after broke off we can still be friends, the feeling is like long lost friend a close close friend somemore. We often eat dinner together, went for shopping, follow her to any vacations she invited me along, something similiar with couples do, and don't know why the feelings have comes back, i kept thinking our days before we broken up, but i find it weird because there are still something she hiding behind, it stops me from confess to her, i'm confused by that time, a weird feeling stopping me to move forward to say i love u to her, i asked around my friends the situation, my friends suggested better i make it clear 1st, so i tested her, i watch her patiently, she still hiding, she never tell, never admit, ok fine i said it to myself, and i continue wait, what will she do the next, she bought me a x'mas present, yes i'm happy of coz, but i still stick back to my plans, never soft heart towards her.

The next day she told me she flying off to vacation, so i offer her a ride to airport for a return gift back to her since she bought me a present, she refused, she said her friend will drive her car, send her to airport, purpose is she do not want to waste anyones petrol and toll $$, and then let her friend drive her car during she was out.

Ok that's fine as well, i had done my offer, she do not accept, i can't say anything right... and so on at x'mas eve, the night, i had a bbq party at my ex colleagues place, after that i am supposingly attend another house session at another friends house, and so i reached the 2nd party, when i turned my car into the junction my friend were living there, i saw her car! the number plate i will never forget, its unique and from ipoh as well, colors same as well, this is not wrong right... i told myself, i look properly again, yes... is her car, and the one who driving her car is my friend... why she telling lies?? why she can't just tell me the guy name which is my friend too fetching her and taking her car?? what is her purpose to lie to me?? there are so many question marks appeared in my mind suddenly, i thought we was close friends who help each other... turns out shitz things happened, if ever i din see it myself, i don't think she will tell me this... it is hurt as my effort broke, i was hope to be at least her close friend as we used to, but now after the incident, i don't think so... i hate her, for being such treating me like nobody and stupid and dumb toy for her... and so on... conclusion is... behave of fakers...

Friday, December 25, 2009

New Job, New challenge, New stress, New headache

Well i just joined this company named 101 haircare treatment, something similiar to Yun Nam haircare that i think mostly of everyone heard before, sooner or later i do believe 101 haircare will beat down Yun Nam and be the market leader as now we are still number 2nd. Any how this is a tough challenge for my beloved 2 bosses and the whole team! and also depends on consultants sales! hahaha.

Being a member of a strong team and fast growing expanding company as 101 haircare, i am ready to take any challenge the comes into my line, however there are lots problems and barrels during problem solving, will not always go as well as you though, working life challenge really not that easy.

This new job given me knowledge of responsibility, follow-up and supervisor skills, not as my previous job "AA" take do not take any responsibility to customers, i would not write it so clearly later kena swe.. haha.

This is the job that i wanted to work on so far, not only for future manager skills, is for my future business manage skills as well, how plan to work on a budget, select outlets to open, renovation, marketing, contructions, multi task as i never expected when i 1st join in here. Really do appreciate it. i will put all of my effort into here, and i hope to see 101 haircare grow to market leader! and i strongly believe it will! 101 rocks!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Biz interruption

Every kinda sales or trade would be a sudden full stop there, aihh... hopefully i get pass of this zzz stressssssssss

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


每 个人手中,都握着属于他/她的爱情笔记, 写下了他/她的爱情回忆, 而这本笔记,能否容纳多少篇爱情纪录,且看他/她的笔记簿有多厚了。。。 有些很薄但但只写了1篇爱情就完美结束了, 是因为在内里写下了它需要的,所要寻找的爱情。。。 有些人一写就写个不完, 换了又换, 但他/她不是喜欢玩,而可能茫茫爱情人海中,他/她还没找到他/她属于的那篇爱情故事。。。 所谓人人都有一本笔记, 写下来很容易,但如果要那本笔记和对长久,共同写着一抹一样的爱情故事,这是很难。。。 所以人要继续向前爬, 笔记也要继续写,不要为了单单一个故事,而失去了往后而来的更美丽故事, 她/他的笔记可能就是能和你和对一起写完的故事了。。。=))


如 果让她走她会开心, 让她走吧, 因为我超爱她... 只要看见她开心, 我什么都可以承受, 这不是伟大, 这是体谅, 锁住一个不爱你的人,她不开心,你也不开心, 何必呢? 两人在一起,感情没了, 就不能自私了, 放了她,也许会让你有解脱的感觉,也许会很痛,但为了你爱的人,一切也值得的。。 对吗?人生往往是你爱她, 她不一定爱你,爱你的人,往往不是你爱的,千挑万选下, 而她在你的路途留下了一段感情,她不能陪你走了, 你不能怪她, 也应该多谢她在你的空白页面上写下了美好的回忆...

Friday, November 13, 2009

The happiness feelin inside me

The great happiness feelin is not about travelling around the world or either going any best place on the earth, the best happiness is that you can actually going out nearby place or just a simple place would do with the person u wanted to hang-out to, which actually u felt comfortable with her/he, even tho u just go to a simple place like mamak or a simple stalls next to your house, hahaha, yeap... its true and hmmm... ya i guess thats all about it. =) cheers!

I've watch 2012!!

2012 wow! super great movie! Even tho me & another buddy of mine sitting place is from the 1st row infront, but non of the feeling of "naik kereta" haha, yeap, the movie is all about disaster happened during the end of the world recycle, it such a great movie that i've heard 4 times of hands clapping during the movie... boom! you guys should check it out! best movie of 2009!! rocks!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I FFK a person twice!!! omg! i did not mean it!! so sorrrry sherry!

First of all due to the large work loadz of me, actually is not that loadz, juz that my time did not managed correctly, sometimes i can be very forgetful, and confirmed other planned, and then due to both plans are jammed, i had to cancel 1 of them... i really stucked!!

By here and i would like to apologize to my beloved friend Sherry, i really sorry that i can't make it for the both plans as we confirmed, i did not mean it, hopefully u understand and accept my apology, i will plan again hang-out schedule with u, in a confirmed and set date... =P i really paiseh and i dunno wat to say to u, i just very sorry... sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry ya! i'm a bad person by now i hope i can be better to improve my memories haha... real sorry! sherry!

Kenny Wong

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Euro trip on planned

The Euro Trip is my dream trip, which can lepak over countries in euro, such as



These two country is my 1st and 2nd choice i would like to go to, i love the ancient artistic of Rome and the view of Paris. And of course i would go others different part of euro such as Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Milan, Ibiza, Barcelona, and also Dublin =)

Before all that happened i would like to pray hard and work hard on my dealing process... make it happened and all my trip is on...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trying my best to get out from it

I'm leaving my company soon and will be start off on my new company by 16 nov 09, i hope it will be a good start, i finally can get myself off frm the previous company that all of us feeling like living in hell, full of torturing session. haha, well the fact is it damn management with a great marketing mind and sales strategy which can't implement a single shit in the project, how could they be such position as VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATION MANAGER all that? because of their working exp over there more than 10 yrs? 15 yrs? this is the fact human being is lack of, marketing mind... no matter how many years the employee work on their employers company, if the person does not have marketing mind they will definitely ruined the project. The lesson shows, fucked up.

The longer i work in that particular company, the longer i will become 1 of them, "foolish" a word to represent my words.

Trading is not a easy shit.

As time goes by, i've been waiting and seeking for a chance to survive on this current situation, truthfully i'm stressed out, why could my life ended up with such big responsibility to carry on.

I tried to find many ways to pull myself up against the giant waves. My instinct telling me never give up, as the future is waiting for me to grab it. So i'm into this biz, how did i came into this industry, i had forgot... the way that really could make life easier if ever succeed, for detail i can't reveal out as private and confidential, i'm just to share about my exp.

There are many ways to get rich in life and i chosen this, starting of the biz i thought it would be just a middle man that trade stuffz, but the longer i proceed the hardest and barrels came out repeat and repeat. As a trader or as known as a broker, i had understand large deal in some biz it takes time and choices, its not easy, both parties satisfaction had to achieved so it could deal smoothly. Dateline is tight and problems out sometimes.

I hope and i prayed, if the god still looking after me so far i haven't collapse, why not just proceed me to another level, and i will be greatful thanks to the lord.

My favorite song all time =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Nightz Out to Genting

The Halloween night, nothing special for me, went up to genting with few of my close frens, had a cup of coffee bean and a lil'chit chat. Just a lil special which is i saw a lots of ghosts, ghosts that usually we not able to see normally, hahaha.. peoples... acting kinds of ghosts up there, they having a halloween night on genting club safari, not bad tho... quite happening, next year if had a chance i wud joined =))))

Monday, May 11, 2009

As Usual...

Well.. from the passed of me, i day time i work, night time i yum-cha and playing like cyber cafe, snookering. Life changed now, i dunno how i turned up to be like this, night time staying at home.. packing, counting and listing my products at home, it's totally 360* changed of me, haha... well.. what is my goal now i see it really clearly, and i hope i could achieved my dreams, all for u guys and girls out there! same to u as well... we work, we rock, we have fun all the time ^^ cheers!

Re: Pre-Launch Bags

First of all, i wanna say thank you to all my friends supporting my products, i'm supprised actually the products just pre-launched and it sold 10 pieces in 2 days, i was a boom! every friend of mine was like, wow... nice bags! it's really beyond my expectation, i'm glad that all of you supporting, and i hope it could expand to more and more bigger than i thought, hehe.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


BG 890 RED, BEIGE // RM49

BG 848 YELLOW // RM55>><<BG 855 YELLOW // RM55

BG 847 PINK // RM59>><<BG 845 PURPLE // RM55

BG 843 ORANGE // RM52>><<BG 831 WHITE // RM55

BG 831 CAMEL BROWN // RM55>><<BG 827 GREEN // RM55

BG 823 BLUE // RM55>><<BG 751 PURPLE // RM49

BG 702 BLACK // RM45>><<BG 673 COFFEE // RM59

BG 642 COFFEE // RM52>><<BG 541 BEIGE // RM55

BG 493 BLUE // RM49>><<BG 426 PINK // RM45

BG 493 PINK // RM49>><<BG 269 WHITE BOX // RM59

BG 150 BLACK / RM55>><<>

BG 117 PINK, BEIGE // RM55

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Night out wall stickerz!

Me and few of my members went out all the way to PJ seksyen 2, 14, 16, Sunway, Subang, USJ, for wall sticking mission,sticking flyers among the streets, hahaha, goish... can't imgaing 1st time i ever did that in my life, but it's quite fun... earn money, have to lar... purposed of it is to invite more outsider for us to share our biz plan ^^ *Go go go!!*

Stick here and there~

Well, finally i'm into this part-time biz called Steven's Tea Garden formerly Steven's Conner, how it works? it shows peoples actually can eat, drink & earn at the same time, it quite interesting! it more into mlm type of biz =)

Well, why i choose this? as i mentioned eat, drink earn, this 3 words attracted me, and that is what peoples always hope for! haha...

During this 2 years of market crisis, i see peoples get fired, stopped work and hardly find a job in Malaysia, company cut cost, cut salary, unable to get promote in few years, college student graduated but hardly find a good job good pay out there, just like a friend of mine, been worked for a company 6months and haven't get confirm yet due to company cut cost.. macam macam ada... i also see peoples on the streets wearing former with a working bag walking around with nothing to do, there's a pity situation. And i felt that i'm so lucky that i have my current job and havent get fired or cut salary so far... haha

But company not firing your or cut your salary doesn't mean that you will get promoted in short time by hardworking. Peoples out there are finding their own way to survive in this society, this market, this city... how bout you?

I choose part-time job as obviously im not satisfy of my current salary, just not enough, who enough on his or her current salary? i asked 10 peoples, 9 peoples answered "no". that's the point!

And i'm not a person suitable for night shift normal part-time job that could actually stand there for 4-5hrs just for that RM50 1 night, that's tiring and i can't see my income grow.

This is the situation that makes me wanna fight in this mlm market! i will not forced peoples that doesn't appreciate chances to fight with me,even tho friend's doesn't join me, i still thx for the support that came out and listen to this plan, i will still fighting til i success! hopefully... lolxxx

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is the sample modification for Satria Neo Cps that i found it on net... Cool Yah!

SATRIA NEO CPS! i love in first sight! The outlook of it very attractive and just perfect as my tought, i'm goin' to get it! very soon! wahaha... just *slurp*

SWINE FLU~ Haaah~ ChuuUUuzz =,="

By this time... i think every human livin'in Malaysia knew about what is Swine Flu... it came out by pig!! ishh.. thats what one of my favorite food "Subang Bak Kut Teh" its gonna get ban soon.. haha! i'm a pork eater! i like pork! ^^

Anyway i worked in Airasia customer servicing, goish... these few days... peoples that sent in emails and calls came in from all over the south east asia are dam lots... 100x than what we could not expected... peoples been complaining why does Airasia doesn't take further action during this incident... It's true that everyone worried bout traveling out and get those desease back to Malaysia, by understanding their concern, i do pity them that tickets had booked...since Airasia haven't take any action, they can't even refund at all.

Another case which is, for those peoples who trying to con us for free changing flight for you... hell no! we in airline field, we are updated to these kind of news... don't test our IQ. Don't cha~ Lastly, yeah... i hope this PIGGY flu aka SWINE flu gonna stop asap. SAVE THE WORLD and also SAVE HUMAN please!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This far to the end...

Is the time for me to let go everything and have a brand new start.

First of all, I would hope the person who should read this note, and she is the meaning I wrote it for… name would be void, but I will be glad if she ever get a 15 minutes time sit down and read thru this.

This is a last time I ever writing notes from now on, in this notes I din expect any reply from u, or even any action from u, for this I’m just expressing my feeling for keeping it for so long, and lastly I decide to clear it off. And pls do… just a 15 minutes… it won’t take u so long, I’m not forcing u to read it as treating u selfishly, but is the way of I’m not being selfish towards myself to tell it out…if u decide to close this page… I will not blame anything as Its beyond my control, but I really hope u read it…

And its begin as,

Been half a year we not contacting each other, I do really miss u day after day, night after night, and it never changed. I would like to admit that I’m being selfish the time that I keep ignoring u after we divorced, I’m really sorry… I still very love u actually, I can still sense that u still love me as well, and u will come back. As ur signals all over friendster, msn title bar… and the last was “still can’t get it? Really wasting American time” I saw it… I get it all actually… and I do wanna reply u as my mind want it. But my heart scared… I have lost my confident to get u back… and the fact is the hurt feeling is too deep and it stops me to going forward to u once again, I really hope that we both can end up with very nice and perfect story we ever had. For real…

The reason of I deleted my friendster profile, is because of you, why would I do that? Reason behind I actually suffering from 2 ways decisions, and every single msgs u showed… it reflect more memories I had in mind, from the past b4 we couple thru after we broke-up… and my mind has limitation to handle it… I deleted your handphone your msn as well… I dun hope to do that… but I just too love u, keep seeing u online pop-up on my list, i can’t do anything rather just looking at your nick and wondering what u doing… how are u… where u are… and I dunno why I so in love with u… the feeling is just too strong. Normally I wouldn’t do that to others ex-es… all I have to do is ignore u… and pretending like a person that dun care for u but actually in my heart I cared a lot… I care a lot everything u do… the most hurting part which I remember is the day of u spent me lunch @ pyramid hakka dishes… it reflect me on the spot I felt like crying… because we said b4 when we’re still couple we will definitely go to that restaurant again because the 1st time only I am the one was eating only… but ended up the 2nd time we went over and unfortunately we already broke-off…on top of that I fight back my tears as I dun want u to see a weaker-side of me… as I wanted to show u the person I used to be is a happy go lucky guy, being back a buddy of u I’m not satisfy for that as I still love u real much, so I decided to move far away from u and stop contacting u at all to make u feddup on me… I tried to move back to the girl I used to loved b4 we get together.. im sure u know who was it, but the fact is I dun love her anymore and the sparks never comes out ever again, because my mind fulfill all over your images… but I still had to tell u that I loved her… remember u asked me wether my msn msgs was it give u as my ex to see? In here I can tell u… its for u… and I really missed u… these words I kept in my heart, and the words I told u was differently, if im not mistaken I told u “no comment”, and starting to tell u that don’t bring the memories up as I want to forget it…and u were adviced me by saying things cant be forget when I really wanna forget it…right? Tell u wat, I really can’t forget u… but the words I told u I hurt myself too… and its real deep… and at last, my plan was successful, from your msn showed the last sentence.. I already know u are giving up, I was there infront of my computer seeing it… my heart was crash into pieces, but half of it I’m glad on my success planning u’re really not contacting me anymore…

How ever it was, no matter how suffering it was, no matter what we had b4, no matter what happened between us b4, every story have to be an ending… and I will set the ending right here…

I wanna say sorry to everything I ever did to you, I don’t mean it, sometimes I just can’t control my temper in certain situation… maybe as u say, I’m not a good bf yet, but I will improved, I remembered your advices… I will definitely improve, for you I will, I will not treating my future gf same thing happen ever again… thanks for your advices.

Again I wanted to say thank you for leaving a foot prints in my life journey book, for being a part of my life, u are meaningful to my life, u brought joyful to my life, together did something that I ever did b4 with other ex-es… I din’t blame u as u said I was, believe it or not, its for real… thanks for walking a part of journey with me even tho its short.. but by adding the days ever since we met… we’re like together for very long time… I’m very glad that I had a such brother like u, a nice pretty caring gf like u, a such hearted buddy like u… thank you so much… truthfully thanks… and so on…

Good luck to you in everything u do and all the best in year 2009 =)
May god blessed u always,

-K3nNy- Wong Kin Meng
28 January 09